
Outlayman is on-line payment system, which is currently in closed beta. If you have received an invitation to join from your community manager either

download the Wallet app for Android

or sign up through the


Note that although anybody will be able to create an account using either the Android app or the website, neither will provide any benefit to those not participating in the beta.


Jun 13, 2016 - Outlayman Wallet v0.5.0 and v0.5.1 released

Version 0.5.0 and 0.5.1 of Outlayman Wallet have been released for the web and Android devices. The latter being a bugfix release for issues with signing into the app.

Apr 25, 2016 - Outlayman Wallet v0.4.0 released

Version 0.4.0 of Outlayman Wallet has been released for the web and Android devices.

Mar 21, 2016 - Outlayman Wallet v0.3.0 released

Version 0.3.0 of Outlayman Wallet has been released for the web and Android devices.

Mar 8, 2016 - Outlayman Wallet v0.2.0 released

Version 0.2.0 of Outlayman Wallet has been released for the web and Android devices.